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Hello Friend!

Evnik is already helping hundreds of users solve their everyday problems and bringing them closer to achieving their goals! Below you will hear reviews and stories of people who use Evnik on a daily basis.
Perhaps you will see your situation in these stories.

Why do you need EVNIK?


Hello, my name is Patrick.
I use Evnik and I love it!
Evnik made me faster, that's the only thing that made me feel the speed. I have a problem, I can not devote much time to training, I have my own business, I help in the production of films. In connection with work, I have to fly to different countries, I am constantly on trips. I hope you understand my difficulties. Evnik is very effective, I do only 10 movements and feel how my muscles and tendons are included in the work! He quickly and simply helps me to be in shape, whether I have time to visit the boxing gym or not. Evnik is definitely my choice. 



Evnik makes you work harder and keeps you from being lazy! The quality of work is increasing. Evnik trains the shoulder girdle, arms and especially the forearms very intensively, this is what I need.

I feel like the simulator teaches me to accentuate punches; increases my muscular and cardio-respiratory endurance; makes me explode, increases the starting speed, more than one simulator does not do this.

I like evnik, I use it in my workouts

Сергей Паршаков.png

Hello, my name is Sergey, I am a master of professional hand-to-hand combat.
Despite my good sports training, I felt how my muscles could not withstand the pace set by training with evnik. I did just one "Speed Technique" technique and the next day my back muscles, shoulders, arms and especially forearms ached! I was pleased with myself, but only Evnik showed me that my explosive strength was poorly developed. I often spar, my opponents fall from my punches and I was pleased with myself. I was surprised that sparring did not point out my problem to me. Evnik showed me in one training session that I have problems with speed and explosive power. I can't believe it, but my muscles can't overclock the Evnik-2 model. I need some time to train with the Evnik-1 model.

An additional plus, I noticed a therapeutic effect. I have shoulder problems and can't raise my arm above my shoulder. Using evnik I was very surprised when after one week of training, I was able to raise my arm higher than usual!!!
I got an amazing rehabilitation effect for free!
I definitely recommend EVNIK.

I am 45 years old, I know how difficult it is to plan a productive workout at this age. Below, you will meet people who sincerely talk about their problems and experience in solving these problems.


Some people claim to have become stronger and faster than they were when they were young! You may not believe them, but it's better to try what they did! If it doesn't work for you, then you're not risking anything. If it works for you as well as it has worked for thousands of other people, then you will feel ten times better than you do now. It's worth it!


 Evnik is the best forearm trainer! Nothing else can train the speed and explosive power of your forearms. You don't need the slow strength you build with weights in your workouts. You need fast power! Evnik delighted me and my friends, I recommend it to everyone who loves speed

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What sports skills does EVNIK train?

The authors of the site.​

Rustam SAADVAKASS from Argyn tribe

Anzha SAADVAKASS from Argyn tribe

Selyavira SAADVAKASS from Argyn tribe

EVNIKA SAADVAKASS from Argyn tribe

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SAADVAKASS Family Company

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