Potential Energy!
A single movement with Evnik creates a system of muscle tensions throughout your body!
To make "EVNIK Speed Punches" bend during the movement an athlete has to perform a fast accelerating snatch. The higher the acceleration, the greater the load. This makes the user increase the speed all the time.
As Evnik bends, it creates an abrupt load for your muscles when they do not expect it. It is the moment when all the muscles under tension involved in the principal activity experience additional stretching which creates a system of muscular tensions throughout your body and causes accumulation of potential energy.
Our body hides great potential energy, but we do not know how to use it. The potential energy is accumulated through the proper use of the tendon-muscle system’s elastic properties. A stretched muscle contracts like rubber, with more power and speed.
Thus, when we use the "EVNIK Speed Punches", our muscles strain, simultaneously accumulating and releasing the potential energy. It serves as a power gain that we use in every movement. The movements become faster, more powerful, and at the same time, more rational
Other training tools provide minimum
or no tension at all for our muscles.
This way, you do not get any strength
gain in the form of potential energy
The purpose of this workout
The main task is to inflict a side punch so that the widest part of the "EVNIK Speed Punches" slammed hard against the edge of a punching bag. Then you do not end the movement, but strive to hold a wide part of the simulator, bypassing the resistance of the punching bag. Thereby punching that part of the punching bag, on which you punch. As a result, the punch ends on the other side of the punching bag.
If you imagine that this is the head or the body of a person, then you punch it “deep down”. The main focus, when you train, should be on this task.
Below are tips, following which you can bring a side punch training to perfection and maximum efficiency.
1. Take Evnik in your front hand in the manner shown in the gif. Take position 1.
2. Transfer weight to your leg (position 2). Perform a sharp acceleration with your hand while simultaneously turning the body in the direction of the point of punch.
3. The arm will quickly fly through position 3.
Try to speed up your arm so that in position 3 the wide part of the EVNIK creates powerful resistance, bending in the opposite direction from the punch. So you accumulate potential energy in the tendons.
4. Accent punch in position 4.
Do this in such a way that the widest part of the EVNIK punches as hard as possible against the surface of the punching bag.
5. At the moment of bending the EVNIK and punching its wide part on the surface of a punching bag (position 5), your hand will shrink even more. Do not scroll the EVNIK in your hand.
Thus, you risk to dump the accumulated energy and reduce the training effect.
In position 5, with an effort of the hand and using kinetic energy, the athlete strives to hold the EVNIK despite the obstacle in the form of a punching bag.
Punching resistance punching bag. A rigid EVNIK (model Black Dragon) resists deflection.
Thereby, creating a feeling of resistance to the opponent’s head, which must be removed from the spot in real combat, without hesitation and giving up the moment in the hand. Hand - a weak spot boxer! If the hand is strong (this is our goal), then the whole mass invested in the punch comes to the destination. The rigidity of the body structure ensures the correctness of the technique.
6. Position 6 is another important episode in building a punch technique. You twist the hand and make a slight movement of the body back and to the side to eliminate the "failure" after a powerful punch. This moment teaches to properly dump the kinetic energy remaining after the punch. Using the reciprocating principle, which keeps the amplitude of motion, within the specified limits. This excludes the case skew, which often happens when training a classic side punch.
We love this way to practice punch. Since, in addition to training a sense of accent, acceleration, and accuracy, we are training difficult-to-learn skills on the return and defensive movement. As well as the stabilization of the body position and the force of the body at the moment of twisting and holding down the body and the arm, which occurs in the position of the arm skidding (position 6).